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[obm-l] D�vidas

(IMO/1996) Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon such that 
AB||DB, BC||///ef and CD||AF. Let Ra, Rc, Re denote the 
circumradii or triangles FAB, BCD, DEF, respectively, 
and let P denote the perimeter or hexagon. Prova that 
Ra + Rc + Re >= P/2.

(Vietnam) Solve the system of equations 

(Vietnam) Let a,b,c,d be four nonnegative real numbers 
satisfying  the condition 2(ab + ac + ad + bc+ bd + cd) 
+ abc + abd + acd + bcd = 16. 
Prove that a + b + c + d >= (2/3)*(ab + ac + ad + bc + 
bd + cd) and determine when equality occurs.

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