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RE: [obm-l] sistema decimal e inducao

Os digitos a, b e c deverao satisfazer a 2(64a + 8b +c) = 64c + 8b + a.
Logo, 127a + 8b -62c =0. a , b e c sao inteiros tais que 0<= b,c <=7 e
1<=a<=7, para que seja um numero de 3 algarismos.. Agora, eh pesquisar para
achar quais inteiros satisfazem a  esta equacao.
Eu encontrei o numero 275, base 8.

No segundo, temos Binomial(n,2) = (n^(2)-n)/2 apertos de mao. A ordem nao
importa e nao se aperta a mao de si mesmo.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-obm-l@mat.puc-rio.br [mailto:owner-obm-l@mat.puc-rio.br] On
Behalf Of Faelccmm@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:19 AM
To: obm-l@mat.puc-rio.br
Subject: [obm-l] sistema decimal e inducao

Ola pessoal, 

Fiquei em duvida nestes 2 problemas: 

1) It is impossible to *reverse* a number by multiplying it by 2. In other
words,there is no number of the form abcd, for example, such that abcd x 2 =
dcba.That holds true for all numbers, not just four-digit ones. 
However,there is a three-digit number abc in base 8 such that abc x 2 = cba.
Can you find that number? 

2) If,in a room with n people (n>=2), every person shakes hands once with
everyother person, prove that there are (n^(2)-n)/2 handshakes. 

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