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Re: [obm-l] Equação 2º Grau [EM INGLÊS]

Esse jah apareceu na lista, mas com a = 1, ou seja, a equacao eh sempre
monica, e a iteracao continua enquanto as raizes forem reais. Nunca foi
demonstrado mas conjectura-se que o maior numero de iteracoes eh 3.

on 10.03.05 14:34, Daniel S. Braz at dsbraz@gmail.com wrote:

> Pessoal...
> Mais um problema..alguma dica ?
> A student is practising the solution of the quadratic equation
> ax^2 + bx + c = 0.
> Solving one equation and checking that there were two roots, the
> student then made another equation by replacing c with the largest
> root and b with the smaller root. Prove that this operation cannot
> continue indefinitely. What is the maximum number of equations the
> student may have to solve?
> obrigado!
> []s
> daniel

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