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Aula no IMPA


Recebi a seguinte mensagem (pedaço dela) do prof. Rousseau.

I assume that you have seen the IMO problems already.  The second
problem has a nice generalization:  For all  k \geq 8  and a,b,c > 0,

a/\sqrt{a^2 + k bc} + b/sqrt{b^2 + k ca} + c^2/\sqrt{c^2 + k ab}
\geq 3/\sqrt{1+k} .

(For 0 < k < 8 this is clearly false by, for example, fixing
a and b and letting c \rightarrow \infty.)   The original problem and
its generalization can be knocked off quite easily using Jensen's


Fica a sugestão (a desigualdade de Jensen apareceu numa Eureka)
para aqueles que tentaram resolver este problema e também para a
aula no IMPA desta tarde, se esta mensagem chegar a tempo aos

[ ]'s

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