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(IMO-2000) (fwd)

Esta carta est� sendo enviada para obm-l e obm-coor
pois destina-se a todos os professores.
A IMO2000 pede problemas para o banco:
o Brasil precisa para firmar sua posi��o de participante s�rio
nas IMOs criar uma tradi��o de enviar problemas para os bancos.
Quem tiver sugest�o de problemas envie para mim por correio comum
(*N�O* por e-mail). Quem desejar enviar sugest�es de problemas
por favor leve muito a s�rio a quest�o do sigilo.

[]s, N.

>July 13 - 25, 2000   This is a call for PROPOSALS FOR PROBLEMS for the 41st
> IMO in the year 2000. 
>Please send as many problems as you wish to be  considered for the
>competition.    Normally, problems will deal with the areas covered in  the
>previous IMO's such as 
>  geometry, inequalities, functions, 
>and elementary  probability, etc. Questions appeared in the previous IMO
>indicate the  appropriate types of problems that might be acceptable. 
>Problems which do  not belong to any of the indicated areas are also
>if you strongly  believe that they are adequate enough for the contest. 
>However, the final  decision about the acceptability of any problem will of
>rest with the  International Jury.   As usual, all proposed problems will
>be reviewed by a  Korean committee 
>which will select about thirty problems to form the  Short-List for
>by the International Jury. On the official day  of arrival of the
>International Jury 
>in Korea, the members will be given the  short-listed problems to be
>without solutions, and the solutions  will be handed out on the following
>day.   Please avoid problems that have been used in any other  regional,
>national or 
>international contests, or that have appeared in any  books, problem
>journals or other publications.   Statistics reveals that the number of
>proposed  problems has been considerably 
>decreasing in recent years, which we believe  will seriously endanger the
>future of IMO. 
>We strongly ask every  participating country to submit problems for the
>Surprising  presents will be prepared by the 41st IMO Organizing Committee
>those  countries whose proposals are appeared in the Short-List.   Please
>submit each problem written in one of the  following official languages 
>of IMO (English, French, German, Russian -  English most preferred), and
>a SOLUTION for each problem, and a NOTE  indicating its origin.   Proposals
>for problems should be sent to the following  address to arrive no later 
>than APRIL 30, 2000. You may also submit the  problems via
>Please understand, however, that e-mail  submission of the problems is not
>because of security  reasons.   Problem Selection Committee, IMO-2000 
>KSTC Main  Bldg. 907
>635-4 Yoksam-Dong, Kangnam-Ku
>Seoul, 135-080, Republic of  Korea   I look forward to seeing you in Korea 
>2000!   Yours sincerely,      
>Problem  Selection Committee