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[SPAM] Res: [obm-l] Exercicio olimpico
- To: obm-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [SPAM] Res: [obm-l] Exercicio olimpico
- From: Rodrigo Cientista <rodrigocientista@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 12:09:17 -0800 (PST)
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=yahoo.com.br; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:Date:From:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:Message-ID; b=3IrWfKCgmkH2JVjjiwf8NQBlNbx/NP88lzqxRAe6wZjckvhy9An0ykyamlf6ImeoP8+jc/If+0fBoO6v2hwM2z+UG85HTBHss1z+oIatO0FS/9KuzLpSRiLjizHytMzqyxURwcZNOHZRrVHFM/IIK38Vli0l0iSHEQA2f2C3kNw=;
- Reply-to: obm-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-obm-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results ----------------------
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SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future.
SPAM: See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details.
SPAM: Content analysis details: (7.50 hits, 5 required)
SPAM: X_MAILING_LIST (-0.3 points) Found a X-Mailing-List header
SPAM: SPAM_PHRASE_00_01 (0.8 points) BODY: Spam phrases score is 00 to 01 (low)
SPAM: [score: 0]
SPAM: FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD (1.4 points) 'From' yahoo.com does not match 'Received' headers
SPAM: RCVD_IN_ORBS (2.2 points) RBL: Received via a relay in orbs.dorkslayers.com
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SPAM: RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT_COM (0.4 points) RBL: Received via a relay in relays.osirusoft.com
SPAM: [RBL check: found]
SPAM: X_OSIRU_OPEN_RELAY (2.7 points) RBL: DNSBL: sender is Confirmed Open Relay
SPAM: AWL (0.3 points) AWL: Auto-whitelist adjustment
SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results ---------------------
fala só em 2007 fatores primos? sem especificar se são distintos ou não, então? pode ser p^2007 se não houver essa restrição, digamos
(a^29-1)/(a-1) = p^2007 ==>
==> a^29 - a*p^2007 + (p^2007 - 1) = 0
por fermat a^29 == a mod 29
a divide (p^2007 - 1) ==> p^2007 == 1 mod a
continua com fi de a, acho q sai alguma coisa...
----- Mensagem original ----
De: Ruy Oliveira <ruyhigh@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Para: Lista discussão obm <obm-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 3 de Dezembro de 2007 16:39:16
Assunto: [obm-l] Exercicio olimpico
Caiu na terceira fase...Qual o valor de a para
que(a^29-1)/(a-1)tenha pelo menos 2007 fatores primos?
Não sei se o enunciado perguntava qual o menor valor
de a....
Se alguém puder me mandar a resolução agradeço
Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para armazenamento!
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Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para armazenamento!
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