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Re: [obm-l] 3 Problemas de Teoria dos N�meros [EM INGL�S]

tem certeza que o problema 3 n�o seria:
What is the largest x for which 4^27 + 4^1000 + 4^x equals the square
of a whole number?

Porque esse problema acho que � da olimpiada sovi�tica de 1972, e a
resposta � 1972

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 11:43:39 -0300, Daniel S. Braz <dsbraz@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pessoal,
> Algu�m poderia me dar uma dica na resolu��o desses aqui?
> 1)Sets of 4 positive numbers are made out of each other according
> to the following rule: (a, b, c, d)  (ab, bc, cd, da).
> Prove that in this (infinite) sequence (a, b, c, d) will
> never appear again, except when a = b = c = d = 1.
> 2)Take a series of the numbers 1 and (-1) with a length
> of 2k (k is natural). The next set is made by multiplying
> each number by the next one; the last is multiplied by the
> first. Prove that eventually the set will contain only ones.
> 3)What is the largest x for which
> 427 + 41000 + 4x
> equals the square of a whole number?
> Obrigado!
> []s
> daniel
> --
> "A no��o de infinito, de que � preciso se fazer um mist�rio em
> Matem�tica, resume-se no seguinte princ�pio: depois de cada n�mero
> inteiro existe sempre um outro." (J. Tannery)
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