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Re: [obm-l] Problemas da IMO

    Eu sei que ninguem gosta muito disso, mas esse problema 4 (que eu ateh
imagino que nao seja dificil por plana) eh bem simples na conta bruta.. Eh
impressionante como complexos ajudam nos problemas de geometria da imo..
aquele artigo da eureka 6 eh realmente muito util!

    Coloque o circuncentro na origem, e represente os vertices pelos
complexos a,b,c,d, todos de modulo 1u.m.
    Reta ab: z+abz' = a+b
    Reta perpendicular a ab passando por d: z-abz'=d-abd'
    Logo, o ponto P eh 2p = [a+b+d-ab/d]
    Portanto, 2q = [a+c+d-ac/d] e 2r = [b+c+d-bc/d].
Como p,q,r sao colineares (reta de simpson), e |p-q| = |q-r|:
    p-q = q-r, ou seja: b-c + ac/d - ab/d = a-b +bc/d-ac/d
Arrumando: (b-c) - (a/d)(b-c) = (a-b) - (c/d)(a-b) sse (b-c)(d-a)=(a-b)(d-c)
Tirando modulo, isso significa que BC*AD = AB*DC. E isso fecha o problema.
De fato, sendo I o peh da bissetriz de ABC em AC, entao, AI/IC = AB/BC e vc
quer provar que I eh peh da bissetriz de ADC, i.e, que AI/IC=AD/DC (teorema
da bissetriz interna, ida e volta). Portanto, eh suficiente provar que AB*DC
= AD*BC.

    Vou pensar nos outros agora, esse foi o que eu achei que seria mais
facil.. (ja pensei no 2 e no 1 um pouco tmb..)

----- Original Message -----
From: <gugu@impa.br>
To: <obm-l@mat.puc-rio.br>
Cc: <obm@impa.br>; <edmilson@etapa.com.br>
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 3:38 PM
Subject: [obm-l] Problemas da IMO

> Prova da IMO retirada do Site http://www.mathlinks.go.ro/
> O Problema 1 é nois que mandou...
> First Day - 44th IMO 2003 Japan
> 1. Let A be a 101-element subset of the set S={1,2,3,...,1000000}. Prove
> there exist numbers t_1, t_2, ..., t_{100} in S such that the sets
> Aj = { x + tj | x is in A } for each j = 1, 2, ..., 100
> are pairwise disjoint.
> 2. Find all pairs of positive integers (a,b) such that the number
> a^2 / ( 2ab^2-b^3+1) is also a positive integer.
> 3. Given is a convex hexagon with the property that the segment connecting
> middle points of each pair of opposite sides in the hexagon is  sqrt(3) /
> times the sum of those sides' sum.
> Prove that the hexagon has all its angles equal to 120.
> Second Day - 44th IMO 2003 Japan
> 4. Given is a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD and let P, Q, R be feet of the
> altitudes from D to AB, BC and CA respectively. Prove that if PR = RQ then
> interior angle bisectors of the angles < ABC and < ADC are concurrent on
> 5. Let x1 <= x2 <= ... <= xn be real numbers, n>2.
> a) Prove the following inequality:
> (sum  ni,j=1 | xi - xj | ) 2 <= 2/3 ( n^2 - 1 )sum ni,j=1 ( xi - xj)^2
> b) Prove that the equality in the inequality above is obtained if and only
> the sequence (xk) is an arithemetical progression.
> 6. Prove that for each given prime p there exists a prime q such that
n^p - p
> is not divisible by q for each positive integer n.

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