Last five articles

  1. "How Free Will Could Will" arXiv:1202.2007 [physics.hist-ph]

    Abstract:  Many have proposed that free will would use quantum indeterminism. Strict adherence to the Born rule, which follows from the no-signal condition, seems to block this possibility. I propose here that if state collapse really does occur then there is a further form of indeterminism occurring in multipartite systems in that the basis upon which the collapse is to occur could be ambiguous. The choice of this basis is not covered by quantum mechanics nor subject to probability constraints and this provides a ground for a physical and eventually a mathematical model of free will.

  2. "Life thrives on abundance (quantum included)" arXiv:1208.1210 [quant-ph]

    Abstract: I present a short and almost irrefutable arguments that life does use quantum mechanical correlations in an essential way. The very same argument applies, mutatis mutandis, in relation to any abundant resource, and observations bears this out.

  3. "The enzyme–substrate complex as a cat state: A toy quantum analog", Biosystems, 162 157-167 (2017). A published version of:   arXiv:1510.06294 [physics.chem-ph]

    Abstract: We introduce a quantum model system incorporating qualitative aspects of tunneling in enzyme action and analyze the possibilities of quantum superposition of several conformations of the enzyme–substrate complex. There is a potential barrier in each conformation which for simplicity's sake is assumed to be of zero width making the system explicitly solvable. Such a system exhibits generic features of quantum dynamics that should be present to some extent in real enzyme action. We find that depending on the parameters of the system, the rate of conversion of substrate to product can be either enhanced or suppressed in relation to the rates that can be achieved in fixed conformations. There are also solutions in which a component of the quantum state exists as a bound state, something that cannot happen in a fixed conformation. This may provide some measure of stability to the complex. Paradoxically enough, superposition of a finite barrier with an infinite barrier can also enhance the conversion of substrate to product in relation to the finite barrier alone. We suggest that binding to a superposition of conformations could be preferred in relation to binding to a fixed conformation, and analyze the conditions in living cells that could support enzyme action by conformations insuperposition.

  4. "Quantum superdense coding a la Everett, comparison with teleportation",  arXiv:1803.11242  [quant-ph]
    Abstract We analyze quantum superdense coding as would be seen in Everett's many worlds interpretation of measurement, and compare it to Everettian teleportation.

  5. "The props of quantum mechanics",  arXiv:1907.07851 [quant-ph]
    Abstract We introduce a formalism that exploits the many-input many-output nature of nodes in quantum circuits. There is a diagrammatic and an algebraic version, the latter similar to the spinor formalism of general relativity. This allows us to work in truly basis independent ways, clarifying and simplifying many aspects of quantum state processing. The narrative is at times interrupted by antics of characters from quantum age fairy tales.
