Default time and space for all meetings is: Friday, Balcony A at 4th floor of IPMU.
March 9: (13:00-15:00) Tony Pantev on Shifted symplecic structures and quantization
October 31-November 7: (10:30-18:00) Workshop on curves and categories
April 25-28: (10:30-17:30) Mini-course (Todor Milanov, Sasha Getmanenko, Sergey Galkin)
April 22: (13:00-15:00) Sasha Getmanenko
April 15: (16:00-17:00) Sasha Getmanenko
March 4: (16:00-17:00) Sasha Getmanenko
February 25: (16:00-17:00) Sasha Getmanenko
January 21: (15:30-17:30) Alex Cruz Morales
on stability conditions on local P^1 (local P^2) and Gromov-Witten invariants.
December 17: (16:00-17:00) Sasha Getmanenko.
December 3: (16:00-17:00) Sasha Getmanenko.
November 26: (16:00-17:00) Sasha Getmanenko.
October 22: (14:00-15:00) Satoshi Kondo; (16:00-17:30) Sasha Getmanenko
October 15: (16:00-17:30) Sasha Getmanenko
on chapter 3 Formal theory of irregular singularities
of Malgrange's book
Differential equations with polynomial coefficients.
October 8: (16:00-17:30) Sasha Getmanenko
on local Fourier transform for D-modules.
September 24: (13:30-15:00) Remi Arcadias
on multidegree for bifiltered D-modules.
September 17: (16:00-17:30) Sasha Getmanenko
September 10: (13:30-15:00) Kana Ando
on calculating Stokes multiplicities;
(15:30-17:00) Sasha Getmanenko
September 3: (15:30-17:00) Sasha Getmanenko
on B.Malgrange's work
Sur les points singuliers des equations differentielles Part 2.
September 2: (12:00-18:00) Todor Milanov
on Quantum Lefschetz Principle (apres Coates/Givental).
August 7: (13:15-16:00) Roman Bezrukavnikov
on Noncommutative symplectic resolutions from quantization in positive characteristic and quantum connections
July 9: (13:30-15:00) Satoshi Kondo; (16:00-17:30) Sasha Getmanenko.
June 25: (13:30-15:00) Satoshi Kondo; (18:00-19:30) Sasha Getmanenko.
June 18: (16:00-18:00) Satoshi Kondo.