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[SPAM] RE: [obm-l] IMO

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SPAM: Content analysis details:   (5.30 hits, 5 required)
SPAM: IN_REP_TO          (-0.8 points) Found a In-Reply-To header
SPAM: REFERENCES         (-0.5 points) Has a valid-looking References header
SPAM: X_MAILING_LIST     (-0.3 points) Found a X-Mailing-List header
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SPAM: SUPERLONG_LINE     (0.0 points)  BODY: Contains a line >=199 characters long
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SPAM:                    [RBL check: found, type:]
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SPAM:                    [RBL check: found]
SPAM: RCVD_IN_RELAYS_ORDB_ORG (0.6 points)  RBL: Received via a relay in relays.ordb.org
SPAM:                    [RBL check: found 3959.3790.0.6.relays.ordb.org.]
SPAM: X_OSIRU_OPEN_RELAY (2.7 points)  RBL: DNSBL: sender is Confirmed Open Relay
SPAM: AWL                (0.2 points)  AWL: Auto-whitelist adjustment
SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results ---------------------

encontrei uma solução para essa questão na eureka n°17, ela está disponível no site da obm

> From: jgpreturlan@xxxxxxxxxx
> To: obm-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [obm-l] IMO
> Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 22:52:42 -0300
> Quem puder me ajudar eu agradeço muitíssimo!
> “Os lados AB e AC de um triângulo ABC tangenciam uma circunferência de centro O em E e F, respectivamente. A projeção ortogonal do centro sobre BC determina em BC o ponto J. O prolongamento de OJ “cruza” EF em D. Seja M o ponto médio de BC, prove que os pontos A, D e M são colineares.”
> Desde já agradeço!
> JG
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
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> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.9/1416 - Release Date: 05/05/2008 17:11

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