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[obm-l] Variacao de periodo de trabalho

Ola Claudio,

Poderia me ajudar neste ?

Soh nao entendi as passagens da resolucao [...lily works every other 2 days;
Tom works every other 4 days...] De onde veio este 2 e 4 ?

Sam, Lilly, and Tom were hired to work a regular schedule in the evenings at the library, which is open everyday. They each started work on the same day, but they did not work the same evening again until 30 days later. Sam and Lilly worked the same evening every 6 days, and Sam and Tom worked the same evening every 10 days. If Sam worked every other day, what schedules did Lilly and Tom have??

Solution 212.

sam works every other day,
lily works every other 2 days;
Tom works every other 4 days.

If they all start at day 1, they won't meet at the same day untill at day 31.
So Sam works at the days: 1 ,3 , 5, 7,.....31.
Lily meets Sam every other 6 days means She works at least
at days : 1....7, ....13,....19....31.
Tom meets Sam every other 10 days means he works at least
at days: 1...11....21.....31

From here you can try to make a REGULAR schedule for them: every day? every other day ? every other 2 days? every other 3 days.....
I don't think there is only one solution for this problem!