Carlos Frederico Borges Palmeira

fotobacharel em matemática PUC-Rio 1969
mestre em matemática PUC-Rio 1971
doutor em matemática IMPA 1976 

Área de pesquisa: topologia diferencial: folheações, sistemas dinâmicos, aplicações a equações de evolução.

Principais publicações:

1.      Open Manifolds Foliated By Planes- Annals of Mathematics- (1978) vol.107 p.109-131.

2.      Foliations by closed cylinders in 3 dimensional manifolds- Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática-vol. 13, n.1 (1982) p.55-78

3.      Feuilletages de R3 definis par des équations de Pfaff polynomiales homogenes; Annalles de l'Institut Fourier (1982) vol XXXII, fasc.3, p.241-250 (co-autoria com S.Schecter).

4.      Non singular quadratic vector fields in the plane-Transactions of the American Mathematical Society -(1987) (co-autoria com M. I. T.Camacho).

5.      Polynomial foliations of degree 3 in the plane; Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations M.J.Pacifico-editora; Longman's advanced publishing programm (1987) (co-autoria com M. I.T. Camacho).

6.      Line fields given by eigenspaces of derivatives of maps from the plane to itself; Proceedings of the VIth International Colloquium on Differential Geometry of Santiago de Compostela-1989

7.      A global formalism for non linear waves in conservation laws; co-autoria com E. Isaacson, D. Marchesin, B. Plohr. Comm. Math. Phys. vol. 146 (1992) p.505-552

8.      Topology of elementary waves for mixed systems of conservation laws; Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations,julho 1994. (co-autoria com Dan Marchesin).

9.      Local topology of elementary waves for systems of two cubic conservation laws; Matematica Contemporanea,1998, (co-autoria com C. Eschenazi).

10.  Composite rarefaction-shock foliations for quadratic planar systems of conservation laws ; Matemática Contemporânea, 2002,vol.22,part 1 , p.113-140  (co-autoria com C.Eschenazi).

11.  Topological constructions of nonclassical Riemann solutions; to appear, 2004. (coautoria com A. Azevedo, C.Eschenazi e D.Marchesin)

12.   Lax conditions on the wave manifold for quadratic 2x2 systems of conservation laws . Presented on the IXth workshop on PDE,theory,computation and applications. IMPA 2005. Lax conditions


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