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Research Results



My research interests are in the Analysis of Partial Differential Equation, with focus on regularity theory. In this context, some of my results examine conditions under which (weak) solutions to some classes of equations present improved regularity. These classes include non-convex elliptic operators as well as degenerate/singular models, both in the linear and the nonlinear settings. Another important question arising in the topic concerns optimal regularity. More recently, I began to think on fractional harmonic maps and (related) free boundary problems.

I have been funded through the usual opportunities (Researcher Fellowship CNPq and Fellowship Jovem Cientista do Estado do Rio de Janeiro FAPERJ) as well as through distinctive, highly selective, funding schemes.

Among the latter I mention the Junior Associate Fellowship (ICTP) and the Public Call 2018 (Instituto Serrapilheira). Among my recent results, I select the following references:

  1. Regularity of solutions to a class of variable-exponent fully nonlinear elliptic equations.
    Em co-autoria com A. Bronzi, G. Rampasso and E. Teixeira.

  2. Improved regularity for the porous medium equation along zero level-sets.
    Em co-autoria com M. Santos.

  3. Geometric regularity for elliptic equations in double-divergence form.
    To appear in Analysis and PDE
    Em co-autoria com R. Leitão e M. Santos.

  4. Regularity theory for the Isaacs equation through approximation methods.
    Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire (2019) 36.

  5. Regularity theory for second-order stationary mean-field games.
    Indiana Univ. Math. J. (2017) 66.
    Em co-autoria com V. Voskanyan.

  6. Sharp Hessian integrability for nonlinear elliptic equations: an asymptotic approach.
    J. Math. Pures Appl. (2016) 106.
    Em co-autoria com E. Teixeira.


(Updated 11/18/2019)


Personal Homepage

  Mathematics Department / PUC-Rio
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Edifício Cardeal Leme, sala 862 - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro - CEP 22451-900
Telefones: (+55-21) 3527-1280, (+55-21) 3527-1281, Fax: (+55-21)3527-1282