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Permanent Faculty

Name: Ricardo Alonso
Title: PhD, University of Texas at Austin (2008)
Office: 868L
Position: Assistant Professor
Phone: 3527-2315
E-mail: ralonso
Research Areas: Analysis, Mathematical Physics, Inverse Problems and PDE's

I am an electrical engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana at Bogotá (1996) with Master in Automation and Control from the University of Los Andes at Bogota (1998). I have a Doctoral degree in mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin (2008) and was awarded a joint NSF postdoctoral position in UCLA and Rice Universities (2009-2013). Currently, I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Mathematics at PUC-Rio (2014). I have several research interest mainly in analysis, PDE's and their applications. My experience includes the analysis and simulation of kinetic equations, design of numerical methods for non local equations, analysis of non conservative systems in the context of kinetic equations such as granular materials and ballistic annihilation reactions. I am also interested in quantum dynamic such as Bose condensates with excitations and Fermi particles. Additionally, I have experience in wave propagation in random media with applications to imaging and in the diffusive approximations for long range wave propagation regimes.
(Updated 11/18/2019)

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  Mathematics Department / PUC-Rio
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Edifício Cardeal Leme, sala 862 - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro - CEP 22451-900
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