Decay of correlations for hyperbolic attractors of flows Paulo Varandas
Paulo Varandas (UFBA and FCT-CMUP)

Uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms and flows have been extensively studied since the late 1960s. While some features of the hyperbolic basic sets for diffeomorphisms have parallels in the case of flows, the rates of mixing in the time-continuous setting are not yet fully understood. Building on the groundbreaking contributions of Dolgopyat, there are several significant results on the decay of correlations for Anosov flows and hyperbolic attractors with respect to their SRB measures. In this talk, I will discuss some recent results on the exponential decay of correlations for hyperbolic attractors of flows focusing on the case of Gibbs measures for codimension one attractors and SRB measures for higher codimension attractors. This presentation is based on joint collaborations with D. Daltro (UFRB) and I. Melbourne (Univ. Warwick).

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