Nicolau Corção Saldanha


Welcome to my homepage!

I work at the Math Department of PUC-Rio; I also studied there as an undergraduate.
I studied at Princeton University as a graduate student.
I have already worked (for a shorter period) at IMPA and UMPA, ENS-Lyon.
I visited the Math Depatment of Ohio State University for the Winter quarters of 2004 and 2009.

There are two mostly identical copies of this home page at;
There may be incomplete copies at other addresses.

My current e-mail is saldanha AT
Alternative e-mails are nicolau.saldanha AT, nicolau AT and nicolau AT
My office at PUC-Rio is 750L and the phone number is (55-21)3527-1719.
You can reach me by fax at (55-21)3527-1282 (at PUC-Rio) and my snail-mail address is:

Nicolau C. Saldanha
Depto de Matemática, PUC-Rio
R Mq S Vicente 225
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22451-900
Brasil = Brazil

Esta página tem partes em português e partes em inglês de acordo com o público alvo.

Curriculum (CNPq)

Publications (Mathematics)

Math Olympiads, Olimpíadas de Matemática

Desafio em Matemática

Olimpíada Relâmpago; PUC por um dia

Material de cursos

Fotos; Pictures

External links